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Certified Canine Massage Therapist - Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage

Certified Homeopath - Colorado School of Homeopathy

Animal Qigong Healer - Spring Forest Qigong Institute

Essential Oils for Animals training with Kareu Studios


Love & Compassion

Every ounce of me loves dogs, always has. I am their biggest advocate and their voice in times of need. I wholeheartedly believe and know that dogs need as much love, attention, compassion, and care as people do. I also wholeheartedly know they give their human counterparts way more than we deserve in return. Massage and energy healing provides the needed balance and focus that stimulates their health and vital force.


I am fulfilling my dream to be a light in this world and to be of service to others as a canine massage therapist and canine energy healer. My dogs, throughout my life, have been my teachers & my saviors and provided me with needed & appreciated unconditional love. I am extremely blessed and grateful to return some of that back to dogs in this world; mine and yours. As an energy healer and massage therapist I will work with your dog, providing him/her with the utmost love and care.


Heart & Soul

Trust and respect are paramount pillars for me. I live by the motto, "Treat others the way you want to be treated," and feel this way for dogs, humans, and animals alike. We all have a purpose on this planet; whether we walk on two legs or four, were planted into the ground and grow leaves, buzz and fly around with wings, or have gills and scales. Everything on this planet is equal. We can not live without each other. We are all interconnected.

My special, very real connection and bond with dogs has lead me to become a canine massage therapist and canine energy healer. I feel this in my heart & soul. This is my purpose.

I will work with your dogs like they are my own. While working with your dog, I will focus 100% of my energy on healing your dogs emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally. This is my promise.



As a doggy foster mom, and in my life, I have been around a lot of dogs. Every one of them is unique and comes from various life backgrounds... most of which are not the best. I have been able to use energy healing and massage to help them through the transitions and emotional turmoil they are going through. I have seen fear, anxiety, aggression, and physical symptoms of abuse fade away through working with me. Some take more time than others. I have learned that with patience, compassion, understanding, love, and healing touch even the most guarded and most broken hearts & souls can mend. Thankfully there are also dogs in stable homes with wonderful families. I have seen massage and energy healing provide much needed relief from life's daily activities, age related symptoms, and emotional struggles.


My Canine Companions

In my life I have been blessed to have in my family:

Whiskers - a german shepard mix that was my family dog growing up.

George - my heart dog, a beagle that had a heart too big and showed me what unconditional love is.

Woody Girl - my first rescue pup in college, a Keeshond/Shepard mix that left this world too early and caused a deep pain in my heart because of it.

Mugzy Malone - an Aussie/Bernese mix that was the greatest teacher I ever had and such a smart boy. 

Charlie - a 114 lb Mastiff/Lab that I adopted when he was 7 years old, he was my daughter's first dog and was a big gentle giant.

Piper - a yellow lab that had severe anxiety issues from Louisiana and feared thunder and loud noices so much.

Izzy - Jack Russell mix that lived for 16 1/2 years that had at least 20 nicknames and whom I adore with all my heart - and out hiked the pack until the very end.

PoPo - my current 8 1/2 yo Aussie/Border Collie that is so smart, happy, jealous, and lovable all wrapped up into a 45 lb ball of black n white fur.

Blue - my current almost 5 yo, Labrabull, my first foster "win", (not fail) that I couldn't let go of and love him and his crazy counter surfing, gate jumping, toy destroying ways!

Indigenous (Indi) - my current 4 year old, tiny ball of fury and love, pocket pittie/frenchie (maybe), that stole my heart before I had a chance to blink!

Tayo Amani - Blue pittie boy, 1 year old, loves to play fetch, snuggle under the blankets, and be my shadow.

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